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Rice University, MATH+X Symposium, 2019 - "New Worlds, New Perspectives"

MIT, Public Event, 2017 - "New Worlds, New Discoveries: a major leap in the search for life beyond our solar system"

Broad Institute, Models, Inference and Algorithms Meeting, 2017 - "A pseudo-random walk from new worlds to diabetes"

TEDx Liège, 2017 - "Finding Life Elsewhere: an Imminent Paradigm-shifting Experience

All Videos
NASA & TRAPPIST-1: A Treasure Trove of Planets Found
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA & TRAPPIST-1: A Treasure Trove of Planets Found

Seven Earth-sized planets have been observed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope around a tiny, nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Three of these planets are firmly in the habitable zone. Over 21 days, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope measured the drop in light as each planet passed in front of the star. Spitzer was able to identify a total of seven rocky worlds, including three in the habitable zone, where liquid water might be found. The video features interviews with Sean Carey, manager of the Spitzer Science Center, Caltech/IPAC; Nikole Lewis, James Webb Space Telescope project scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute; and Michaël Gillon, principal investigator, TRAPPIST, University of Liege, Belgium. The system has been revealed through observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the ground-based TRAPPIST (TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope) telescope, as well as other ground-based observatories. The system was named for the TRAPPIST telescope. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech in Pasadena. Spacecraft operations are based at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Littleton, Colorado. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at Caltech/IPAC. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit and Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
ESOcast 83: Ultracool Dwarf with Planets
European Southern Observatory (ESO)

ESOcast 83: Ultracool Dwarf with Planets

Astronomers using telescopes at ESO's observatories in Chile have discovered three planets around a dim dwarf star just 40 light-years from Earth. These worlds have sizes and temperatures similar to those of Venus and the Earth, and they are the best targets so far found in the hunt for life elsewhere in the Universe. More information and download options: Subscribe to ESOcast in iTunes! Receive future episodes on YouTube by pressing the Subscribe button above or follow us on Vimeo: Watch more ESOcast episodes: Find out how to view and contribute subtitles for the ESOcast in multiple languages, or translate this video on dotSUB: Credit: ESO. Editing: Herbert Zodet.  Web and technical support: Mathias André and Raquel Yumi Shida.  Written by: Peter Grimley and Richard Hook. Narration: Sara Mendes da Costa.  Music: tonelabs (   Footage and photos: ESO, L. Calçada, M. Kornmesser, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), NASA, ESA/ Hubble, F. Pont (Exeter University, UK), A. Lecavelier des Etangs (IAP/CNRS/UPMC, France), Alexandre Santerne (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade do Porto) /Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva, Gianluca Lombardi (, B. Tafreshi (, Theofanis Matsopoulos, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab, Chris Meaney (HTSI): Lead Animator and Nick Risinger ( Directed by: Herbert Zodet.  Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.
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